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News article

10th January 2020

This week, students interested in entering the world of Law were thrilled to welcome Claire Hall to College, to talk about her pathway into Law and experiences of being a Solicitor.

Claire Hall

Claire Hall

Claire specialises in data protection law and is the go to person for all aspects of data protection. She began her journey by securing a Distinction at the University of Law, and went on to study at the University of Oxford. Entering the world of work, the passionate presenter explained how she worked her way from a Trainee Solicitor in London up to a Senior Associate and now works for VWV; a well-recognised full service law firm with offices in London, Watford, Bristol and Birmingham.

Known as a Data Protection Solicitor, Claire advises on data sharing, information security, international transfers, marketing and individuals’ rights. If she wasn’t busy enough, in her spare time she is also Co-Chair  of the Oxford University Society Bristol and Bath; holding on to her university roots.

Claire spoke enthusiastically to her captivate audience, who left feeling motivated to pursue their dreams and curious about the specific career in data protection.

