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News article

5th February 2019

Students welcomed a very interesting guest speaker to College this week to discuss all things pain-related.

Monika talks to students

Monika talks to students

Monika Halicka from the University of Bath is a part of the Centre of Pain Research and visited St Brendan’s to talk about her research around the Psychology of Pain.  

Monika began her lecture by challenging her audience to define pain - a task which caused great debate and thought amongst students. She then went on to talk about what pain is, pain pathways and how it travels around the body. Monika also spoke to her captivate audience about insensitivity to pain, disproportionate pain and phantom limb pain and explained how the mind causes this to happen.

Monika’s lecture is another fantastic example of the many masterclasses available for all students to access! AGP master classes run every Wednesday afternoon in D2/D3 at 2:30.

