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News article

2nd March 2015

Fourteen students on the Advanced Graduate Programme recently had a very successful visit to Oxford University's Lincoln College to discover what student life is like there. 

Oxford University

Oxford University

They had talks from Oxford's Schools and Community Liaison Officer, Ian Maconnachie, an Oxford graduate and former state school student himself, on how to apply including top tips to give them the best chance of being successful. They were also given a tour of the college by two current undergraduates.

They visited the dining halls, common room and library, amongst other places; learnt some very interesting historical facts about the college and had a chance to ask questions.

All were very impressed with the beautiful buildings and were also very interested to see that some of the College's students had brought home a hub cap they'd found in the street on a night out - in true student style, this was proudly displayed in the common room! Ben Bryant, a first year student at St Brendan’s studying Maths, Chemistry and Physics, said "The trip has definitely made me want to apply to Oxford … it’s made me realise that it’s not out of my league to do it". These thoughts were echoed by lots of others. Next up is an overnight trip to Cambridge for the Advanced Graduate Group.

