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News article

22nd July 2015

As part of the introduction to the A-level course, Creative Writing first year students took part in a writing activity day, which aimed to inspire their futures as writers. 

Students at Arnos Vale

Students at Arnos Vale

Starting with a visit to Arnos Vale Cemetery, the students were taken on a tour and heard stories behind the many names and dates. Here they learned about the first forensic scientist, philanthropist, doctor and palaeontologist, who discovered the Clifton dinosaur, a female World War 2 pilot and a 14 year old war hero to name a few. These stories gave the students lots of valuable inspiration for future writing.

The afternoon was very different to the first half of the day, but still incredibly motivating, as the students spent time at Victoria Park Primary School. Here they worked with groups of Year 4 pupils on a story writing game. Headteacher, Mr Jack Lacey, was very impressed with the St Brendan’s students’ approach to working with the children, and hopes to repeat the activity next year! Both parts of the day were incredibly inspirational for the students and their experiences are sure to encorage some interesting writing in the future! 


