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1st April 2019

Sitting in a dark theatre. Rusty iron gates are the first thing you see; the type to house a thousand spiders.

One large chandelier hangs from a great height – black of course. You are in a house; but who are you visiting? Then the familiar music begins; the light-hearted tune which seems juxta-posed against the earie setting and you feel compelled to click along…

This week, the talented Performing Arts cast took to the stage to present Aadams Family – and the reviews were outstanding. A story of darkness, uneasy hilarity, warmth and familiarity, the cast captivated their audience at the very first click and took them on their laughter-filled journey, leaving the stage at the final bow to a heart-felt round of applause every time.

Performed over three nights and one matinee, the large cast of 25 was fearlessly led by 10 young actors who stole hearts right from the outset; the Aadams’ and the Beineke’s. Amongst the incredible cast and heading up the rather obscure dinner table was Craig Bidwell and Caitlin Rowles – Gomez and Morticia Aadams. As Moticia gracefully owned the stage, Gomez made the audience laugh with his perfect timing and marvellous accent. Supporting Mr and Mrs Aadams were students Kelsey Bovey (Wednesday Aadams) Jay Tucker (Puglsey) Hollie Bristow (Uncle Fester) Grace Barwood-Simpon (Grandma) and Caitlyn Palmer (Lurch). Together, the Aadams perfectly captured the hearts of their audience with wit, darkness and love rolled into one dusty, strange looking ball.

A story centred around love and teenage change, in which Wednesday Aadams falls for a smart, respectable boy, the audience not only had the pleasure of being hosted by the Aadams, but also meeting the Beineke family too. Led by James Bloor playing Lucas Beineke, the apple of Wednesday’s eye, Josie Smith and Jo Leyland took to the stage arm in arm as the very proper Mr and Mrs Beineke. From the outset the family’s love for poetry, business and the colour yellow is a harsh contract to the darkness of the Aadams. It was the perfect set up for an evening of awkwardness and confessions to make the audience gasp and scream (with laughter).

A huge congratulations to all Performing Arts students for their incredible performances. For many of the cast, the final performance was also their final bow, as they look towards a future after St Brendan’s. As the second years move ever-closer to their final exams, we look forward to seeing them continue to take their steps to stardom after College as their journey continues.

