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News article

2nd November 2021

College student Amelia has been chosen to represent the Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) as a student ambassador at St Brendan’s.

Amelia will be sharing her experience with the SMF with others at the college and encouraging eligible St Brendan’s students apply to the Foundation’s Aspiring Professionals Programme.

The Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) is a charity which aims to make a practical improvement in social mobility for young people. It was founded in 2005 in order to provide opportunities, and networks of support for 16-17 year olds. Their Aspiring Professionals Programme offers individually tailored support for young people across different career sectors, and is open to students from across the UK.

Amelia found out about SMF and their Aspiring Professionals Programme from an all-student email from the St Brendan's Careers Hub. She submitted and application and was accepted onto the programme. Since then she has been paired with a mentor from law firm FreshFields, which has been incredibly helpful for her aspirations to go on to study Forensic Investigation at university.

Amelia said “The support you get from both the programme and your mentor is so useful. From helping me write my UCAS personal statement, to skills sessions and workshops, to just understanding a bit more about the legal sector, it’s been a whole world of support I couldn’t have even imagined without the SMF.”

Currently studying Law, English Language and Film, Amelia is hoping to go on to a career in Forensic Investigation.

She continued, “My mentor will stay with me even through University until I have graduated and found my first job. It’s great to know that I will have that guiding voice with me, who knows about the sector and who I can go to for support.”

“My key message would be to encourage other students to apply for the programme. This is such a great opportunity, that many don’t even know exists.”

Amelia added “If you’re a bit unsure or just have questions about what it’s like to apply to or be on the Programme, I will have a stand in Café Max during lunchtime on 8th November where you will be able to come along a chat about the SMF and the programme with me.”

“It’s really nice to speak to someone who’s gone through the same process, and I know if I had the chance to speak to an SMF ambassador and learn more about SMF before I applied last year, my application would have been a lot easier. So if you’re interested and want to find out more, or you have any questions, let me know and I will do my best to help you out.”

Amelia will be in Café Max at lunchtime, 12:10pm – 1:00pm on Thursday 11th November, to answer questions about the Aspiring Professionals Programme and what it’s like to have a mentor.

The deadline for applications to the Aspiring Professionals Programme is 10th December. Find out more about the programme and how to apply here.


