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News article

15th April 2015

Edoardo Paluan visited the College just before the Easter break and spoke to around 20 STEM students about a vast variety of areas within Physics, including meta-materials and Astrophysics. 

Astrophysics Talk

Astrophysics Talk

Edoardo is a 3rd Year Physics Student at King’s College London and the proud founder of the LuxExStellis blog. The blog aims to inform people about the Kings College telescope project, where Edoardo tracks his ambition to build and use a telescope within King’s as a tool for teaching.

A keen and ambitious student, Edoardo discussed his current exciting venture; working on an interferometer which will be used to mimic gravitational waves after a supernova explosion. As well as working hard at his studies, Edoardo is a professional model in both London and Milan and a black belt in Judo! Sharing his understanding of life as a 3rd year student at King’s College, the students found his visit highly informative.

He also challenged students to take on projects of interest beyond their studies in the summer break and gave insight into some of the current studies in Astrophysics at his University to inspire. 

