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News article

18th October 2018

This month, eight talented St Brendan’s students attended the Nuffield Research Placement Celebration Evening at the University of Bath.

Milena with her project

Milena with her project

Nuffield Research Placements provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. The placements end with an annual celebration evening which showcases the research carried out by students during their 6 week summer placement in a university, government or industry lab across the country. This year, a total of 43 students from the South West carried out projects and eight of them were St Brendan’s students!

During the prestigious celebration, one St Brendan’s student, Milena Rogala, gave a hilarious and honest speech detailing the fun she had during her six weeks with the Environment Agency. She was studying long term river flow patterns of the Thames and Severn rivers and presented complex hydrographs. Milena’s supervisors from the Environment Agency were at the event and felt compelled to give a talk about the amazing experience of hosting students and stated that they wouldn’t hesitate to do it again!

Sue Dimond - Regional Coordinator for Nuffield – complimented the St Brendan’s students for being some of the best from the Nuffield 2018 cohort.

