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News article

23rd February 2023

Every year, we are so impressed with how our students navigate the steps they need to take to plan and secure their progression routes for after they have completed their two-year journey with us. From accessing workshops, summer schools and work experience placements to applying for apprenticeships at nationwide organisations or perfecting their applications to universities, we are incredibly proud of them all.

Today we would like to shine the spotlight onto three of the five St Brendan’s students who have so far received offers from Oxford and Cambridge Universities this year. 

Kiera, Rosie and Elizabeth have all applied and received grade conditional offers to study at the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. Both Universities hold a prestigious reputation globally as “the teaching isn’t quite like anywhere else” and both universities are known to only “take the best students” according to Oxford Royale with the University of Cambridge ranked as the 2nd best university in the world closely followed by the University of Oxford ranked as the 4th according to QS TopUniversities.

We are proud to say all three students are currently studying their A-level courses at St Brendan’s and are also avid members of the notorious St Brendan’s ASPIRE programme. The ASPIRE Programme is available for our most academically gifted students so they can continue to excel throughout their post-sixteen studies. The programme focuses on applications to the top Russell Group and Sutton Trust Universities and securing sought-after apprenticeships or elite work placements. Our ASPIRE students receive bespoke support from our teachers, academic mentors and career advisors to ensure they are able to make the most of the many opportunities available along with support on CV and application writing. The ASPIRE students also have access to masterclasses from esteemed industry professionals, professors and lecturers. The ASPIRE programme also includes taster courses, outreach programmes and bursary schemes. You can find out more about the ASPIRE programme here

We caught up with the three Oxbridge applicants to find out more about their journey at St Brendan’s and their future plans.



We spoke to Kiera who currently studies A-level Business Studies, A-level Geography and A-level Spanish at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study Geography at the University of Oxford.

Why did you choose to study Business Studies, Geography and Spanish at St Brendan’s?

I chose Geography and Spanish because I found the GCSE courses fascinating, and they were the subjects that I found the most enjoyable to learn about. Business is something that I thought would be very practical and useful for my future at the time and it was something completely new to me, so I was interested to know more.

Why have you chosen to study Geography at University?

I chose Geography because in previous years, I have taken an interest in climate issues, and I have been inspired by learning more about the contributing processes, the impacts that they are having currently and those that they will continue to have in future.

Did you receive support from the staff at St Brendan’s?

I have received a lot of support from the Careers Team who helped me to find a direction, when walking into their office I had no idea if I even wanted to go to university at all. Also, one of the main contributors was my Geography teacher Matt who helped me with my interviews and gave me lots of moral support to boost my confidence. 

What is your favourite thing about College?

My favourite thing about St Brendan's is the independence that you get and the fact that you are allowed to manage your own learning, it is something that I find helpful and that I think is good preparation for the future. 

What are your plans after University?

I currently have absolutely no idea what I would like to do after uni, maybe something in the realm of climate research.

Do you have any advice for our current and future Year 12s?

You don't need to have everything figured out straight away and its fine to have absolutely no clue what you want to do after college, there is so much time to find that thing that you're interested in whilst you're in years 11 and 12 and there is lots of help in place to help you find it.



Rosie currently studies A-level English Literature, A-level Film Studies, A-level History and A-level Spanish at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study History at the University of Cambridge. 

Why did you choose to study English Literature, Film Studies, History and Spanish at St Brendan’s?

I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do in the future, so I picked subjects that both interested me and that would keep as many future avenues available to me as possible.

Why have you chosen to study History at University?
Firstly, I’m very passionate about History! I couldn’t imagine myself doing any other subject, so for me, it was a bit of a no-brainer to apply for it at university. Also, I’m not quite sure what career I want to pursue in the future, but by studying History I’ll get a range of transferrable skills that will keep my options open.

Did you receive support from the staff at St Brendan’s?

I received support from the College at every stage of my application, from my personal statement to my written work, admissions assessment and interviews. My Academic Mentor helped to organise rooms for me to complete my admissions assessment and interviews at college. However, my History teacher was definitely the most instrumental in my application – she read over my statement, advised me on submitting written work, provided feedback on practice admissions tests and did countless practice interviews with me. I doubt I would have stood much of a chance without all of her help!

What is your favourite thing about College?

It would probably be how students are treated with far more maturity than they would be at a secondary school’s sixth form. While greater independence means you’re more personally culpable in terms of fulfilling your responsibilities, I’ve always found it refreshing how St Brendan’s provides a comfortable environment in which you’re free to both express yourself and complete your work in whichever way suits you best. Judging by my experiences on university open days, the college does an excellent job of simulating the feel of a university campus, allowing me personally to feel much more confident as I head into the next stage of education. For some reason, I often hear St Brendan’s referred to as a ‘stepping stone to university’, which I think is a very fitting description. 

What are your plans after University?

Currently, none. I don’t know what I want to do with my life just yet, but hopefully, that’s something I can work out while I’m at uni.

Do you have any advice for our current and future Year 12s?

Be proactive! St Brendan’s offers lots of help with Post-18 Options (including Oxbridge applications), the best thing to do is to take advantage of all of the resources available in whatever way you can. For example, never feel ashamed to ask your teachers to read over your Personal Statement - if they forget to do it, don’t hesitate to follow it up! With regards to Oxbridge specifically, in my experience, the admissions teams seem to look for three things: academic ability, passion for your subject, and suitability to their (slightly bizarre) style of teaching. Make sure to do as much research as you can on the application process (including reading the St Brendan’s Careers News bulletin) and do lots of practice interviews ahead of the real thing!



Elizabeth studies A-level Biology, A-level Chemistry, A-level Maths and A-level Further Maths at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge.

Why did you choose to study Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths at St Brendan’s?

I enjoyed them at GCSE and found/ find the content interesting, and Chemistry is required for my course, with Biology being heavily recommended.

Why have you chosen to study Veterinary Medicine at University?
I chose the course because I like the mixture of the scientific background with real-world application and practical elements - and spending time with animals.

Did you receive support from the staff at St Brendan’s?
I found the College really useful when it came to interviewing preparation. 

What is your favourite thing about College?

I really like how different the atmosphere is at college compared to secondary school - I have found it to be a more enjoyable experience overall. 

Do you have any advice for our current and future Year 12s?

I would probably say to start looking into courses/ colleges etc. early so that you give yourself enough time to prepare without having the stress of making rushed decisions.

We look forward to catching up with Kiera, Rosie and Elizabeth on Results Day in August! Good luck girls!

