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News article

16th December 2015

It has been a busy few weeks for the St Brendan’s Second Year Acting students, as they worked tirelessly to perform their wonderfully entertaining production of The National Theatre’s Beauty and the Beast. 

The cast with students at The School of Christ the King

The cast with students at The School of Christ the King

The highly talented cast performed a total of six shows over two weeks; taking it ‘on the road’ to local primary schools and welcoming audiences to our very own theatre at St Brendan’s. The cast was made up of seven Acting students, who managed to make their audiences jump, squeal and roar with laughter as they told the tale of Beauty and the Beast.

The story was left in the capable hands of the mischievous fairy Mr Pink (student Charlie Ridley) and his French sidekick Cecile (Katie Deamer), who guided their audience through the rich and captivating story with wicked wit and magic.  The romance was left to students Ashley Moore and Chloe Potter, who supported each other perfectly playing Beauty and Beast; whilst Christ Howlett and Nina Ambasna-Jones added devious plans, subtle laughs and welcoming warmth to the storyline. Billy Rafferty’s portrayal of Rabbit captured the imaginations of the young audience in particular; a thought-snatching animated character who allowed the audience to see inside the minds of Beauty and her family added a wonderful twist on the classic fairy-tale.

The cast was delighted to have an opportunity to not only perform to family, friends and teachers at St Brendan’s, but to also take their work out to primary school children. The cast visited Broomhill Junior School, St Patricks Catholic Primary School and The School of Christ the King and had their young audiences in fits of laughter throughout. Congratulations to all seven Acting students, who are going to enjoy a much-needed Christmas break after their hard work and incredible dedication! 

