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News article

16th January 2019

Biology and Biomed students enjoyed a back-stage visit this week…within the medical world.

Dr Walton talks to students at St Brendan's

Dr Walton talks to students at St Brendan's

Students were invited to visit Southmead Hospital by friend of the College Dr Walton; a consultant anesthetist. The future medical professionals were take through the emergency department and learnt about what happens to patients when they first arrive at hospital and the precautions that must be taken.

Dr Walton taught students about the importance of team work and explained exactly what happens in emergencies; the equipment needed and how it is used. Students then watched a radiographer capturing an x-ray and walked through the intensive care unit before watching a surgery! One group was lucky enough to watch a half hip replacement being carried out whilst a member of medical staff explained what was happening.

One student, Marissa Kearns, shared her thoughts on the day “All the staff I met on Friday, including Dr Walton, were so passionate about their jobs which was very inspirational. Overall it was a fantastic experience. It was really beneficial for me as it gave me insight into what it’s really like to work in a hospital.” Dr Walton complimented the students on their enthusiasm and interest and looks forward to working with them again.

