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News article

8th December 2015

The Biomed students of St Brendan’s had a fantastic opportunity to attend a talk by Lynne Fernandes this week – an Optometrist who has successful practices across Bristol. 

Lynne Fernandes

Lynne Fernandes

The talk was hugely inspirational and informative for students who are thinking about pursuing a career in Optometry, and even for those Biologists simply interested in how the eye works. Lynne spoke about why she chose such a career path and explained how she got to where she is today. She told her listeners about her experiences at university; including how she had to help many patients on her first day of her placement at a busy hospital!

Lynne was passionate about what she described as a hugely rewarding career path and told the students about some of her recent cases. In the past two weeks alone, Lynne has managed to help an 11 year old who has been suffering with headaches since the age of 4, a very short sighted lady who thought her vision couldn’t be helped and an elderly man with Alzheimer’s. The guest provided the students with a fantastic overview of Optometry and inspired many to look into the career further. 

