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News article

3rd November 2015

As a part of St Brendan’s exploration of Black History Month, Students’ Union Secretary Charlotte Atkins spoke about the life and achievements of NASA Astronaut, Michael P Anderson.

Charlotte talking about Anderson

Charlotte talking about Anderson

Charlotte delivered an interesting account of Anderson’s life; a man who became a hero for young black children especially. Charlotte told her audience how Anderson had many impressive achievements in his lifetime and showed signs of his role model nature at an early age; after completing a Dual Major in Physics and Astronomy, Anderson went on to become an aircraft commander and flight instructor and, after 300 hours in the air, he got accepted by NASA.

Tragically, on 1st February 2003, Anderson took his last mission. Streaking through the sky at 18 times the speed of sound, the space shuttle Columbia re-entered the earth’s atmosphere. Sixteen minutes before its scheduled landing, the shuttle disintegrated, claiming the life of Anderson and his crewmates. Anderson’s mother told CBS News “I’m proud to have had a son that contributed to his country, his community and to the world.”

Charlotte’s account of Anderson’s achievements was incredibly interesting and the SU Secretary spoke with great passion and interest.

