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News article

9th June 2022

Huge congratulations to our students Yara and George who have been nominated for a Bristol Young Heroes award. 

The awards aim to shine a light on those who have overcome difficult circumstances, made a difference to the lives of others, or achieved something extraordinary. 

George and Yara have both been shortlisted in the Learning Hero category, the criteria for which is: a young person who has exceeded expectations and achieved success in education, especially by overcoming adversity or challenging circumstances. 

George who is studying Psychology, History and Politics, gives tirelessly to the community and others alongside his education. Since joining St Brendan’s he has voluntarily mentored young students at a local secondary school, he has been elected to the Bristol City Youth Council where he is working hard to make a difference to the lives of the young people, and he is also part of the City Leadership Programme where he is gaining some amazing training to help him in his volunteering.

George does all of this and more, whilst working hard for his A-levels and battling with a late diagnosis of autism. After completing his courses at St Brendan's, George is planning to study journalism at university and hopes in the future to be reporting on two of his big passions, sport and politics. 

Yara’s family fled to Iraq from war torn Syria but in 2017 were forced to move again as the medication desperately needed by Yara’s mum became unavailable in Iraq. They arrived in Bristol knowing no one and speaking very little English. 

Yara’s first language is Kurdish, her second is Arabic and her third is English. She joined Bedminster Down School in Year 10 and began to navigate the English education system. In Year 11 she passed her Arabic GCSE and then joined St Brendan’s Sixth Form College which is a College of Sanctuary – an award given to colleges that go above and beyond to support refugees and people seeking asylum. She began studying on the college’s Access to Level 3 Programme and within a year was tutored through her English GCSE, her Biology GCSE and a Level 2 Diploma in Health & Social Care. 

Yara is currently studying A-level Sociology, Level 3 Health & Social Care and GCSE Maths and is hoping to go on to study Nursing or Midwifery at university once she completes these next year, with the ultimate aim of becoming a Paediatrician in the future. 

Yara and George are both incredible students who personify the values of the college so well. We are extremely proud of both of them and hope that they have a fantastic evening at the Bristol Young Heroes Awards Ceremony next month

Marian Curran, Principal at St Brendan’s

