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News article

20th April 2015

Charity week was a fantastic success and all involved had a wonderful fundraising-packed 5 days, which resulted in a final amount to be proud of! 

Charity Fair

Charity Fair

All tutor groups set out to come up with interesting ideas to raise money; from film screenings and basketball tournaments to quizzes and wristband selling. The week ended with a charity fair where tutor groups did all they could to raise an impressive amount; there was even leg waxing!

A grand total of £1130.49 was raised for the Teenage Cancer Trust- the generosity and team spirit of the St Brendan’s students and staff was amazing. Special congratulations goes to all Marco Polo students; the house which raised the most money with a final total of £158!

The Teenage Cancer Trust is a fantastic charity and was the chosen charity of this year’s Students’ Union. Well done to all who helped make charity week such a success, each event was wonderful to see take place and fun was had by all.

