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News article

8th February 2019

A group of performing arts students enjoyed life on the road recently, as they travelled around infant schools across Bristol entertaining Reception and Year 1 children.

Little Monkey

Little Monkey

Life as a 16-year-old student can be hard work; with exams around every corner and a future as an independent adult looming, it’s not often sixth form students are able to embrace their inner child. BTEC Performing Arts students however, did exactly that in their recent production aimed specifically at 4-6 year olds. The engaging cast of 13 told the stories of Marmaduke the Very Different Dragon and Little Monkey to young children at Elmlea Infant School, Broomhill Infant School and the School of Christ the King in Knowle West, as part of their Theatre for Children studies. The high-energy cast managed to capture even their toughest little critics; with roars of laughter and clapping coming from every audience member.

Before taking to the road, the cast delivered a special performance for the sons and daughters of St Brendan’s staff on home ground. Joining the sold-out audience was Little Monkey author and illustrator Marta Altes; who gave her seal of approval to the highly-engaging performers.

Performing Arts teacher Rachel Jerome commented “It’s been a great pleasure for us to visit our local primary schools to deliver these productions and to perform in front of Marta – our main inspiration! Our students thrive off of the energy of excitement of their little audience members and it’s great to witness the energy of both our actors and audience members come to life. Many of the young students who watched our production would not yet have had an opportunity to go to the theatre or see a production like this, so we are thrilled we could bring this experience to them and hope it has enhanced their learning in the classroom just as it has for us.”


