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News article

1st March 2017

St Brendan’s A-level Accountants put their best thoughts forward last week during the inter-college BASE competition. 

Winning Accountants

Winning Accountants

Each year, St Brendan’s send a group of budding Accountants to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales’ (ICAEW) annual competition for students aged 16 – 19. The BASE competition challenges students across the UK to engage in business tasks that enable them to develop key employability skills and understand what it’s like to be an ICAEW Chartered Accountant.

Last week, the St Brendan’s accountants took part in a trial, which was designed to identify the team who would represent the College at the official BASE Regionals. Teams were tasked with investigating and recommending a new pathway for an independent lifestyle magazine and then presented their ideas to a board of judges. Teams had to think about the future of the business and how it could mould itself to suit the digital age of magazines.

The winning team was made up of first year students Justyna Kubinska, Wiktoria Chrzastowska, Oliver Knight, Sufyaan Saleem and Ross Hanks. The group will be heading off UWE this week to take on their next Accounting and Business challenge - good luck! 

