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News article

22nd September 2016

Great news came from Alumni member Conor McGillan over the summer, as he shared his fantastic university achievements with us. 

Conor McGillan

Conor McGillan

Conor studied English Literature, History, Maths and Philosophy at St Brendan’s and left College in 2013 with two A*s and two As! With such impressive A-level results, Conor was delighted to gain a place at Oxford University to study English Language and Literature. After three years of hard work, Conor has recently graduated with a First Class Honours this summer, and finished 7th out of the whole Oxford English department! The studying doesn’t stop there for Conor, who is going on to start his Masters this September. Conor occasionally returns to College to share his experiences with current students and provides great advice on Oxbridge applications and studying English – we hope to see him soon! 

