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News article

22nd November 2019

Over October half term, eight St Brendan’s students were given the opportunity to undertake work experience in the beautiful city of Hamburg in the north of Germany.

The group of 8

The group of 8

Sponsored by the Pasch Initiative, the lucky eight worked with a range of companies and organisations, and experienced work life in a textiles factory, a hospital, cosmetic shop, bar, hotel and primary school!

Placements were matched to personal interests and future aspirations. Student Steffany commented on her placement, “During the week I had placements at two different practices, a proctology and an endoscopy practice. I’d like to study medicine. My future career might expose me to humans at their worst time in their lives, and this work experience reminded me why I do what I do”

The aim of the trip was to develop linguistic skills further, as well as build self-confidence in their language abilities. Student Monica explained, “At the start, I thought that one week wouldn’t be enough for me to improve my German, but I was wrong. I learnt so much in one week. My pronunciation and vocabulary improved remarkably!”

The group landed back on UK soil with a huge collection of life-long memories and enhanced language skills!

