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News article

18th June 2021

We are delighted to announce that St Brendan’s Sixth Form College has won two top national awards, as well as being a runner up in a third at The National Sixth Form Association's (SFCA) Annual Awards.

The College has won two awards in the COVID-19 Response category, which recognises the whole college response to the pandemic and also the outstanding work of our IT team, who supported both staff and students during this time.  

IT team members, Matt, Mark and Dan

IT team members, Matt, Mark and Dan

The College  also won a runner-up award in the Independent Learning category for work carried out in this area by Bea Honap-Baker in our Futures Programme, which supports students through their careers and progression journey.



Marian Curran, Principal at St Brendan's said 'Like every school and college across the country, we have responded to an ever changing pandemic situation and these awards recognise the hard work of everyone at the College. I am extremely proud of all of our staff for the outstanding support given to students on a daily basis. St Brendan’s is committed to providing students with the very best education and opportunities and these awards celebrate our core mission.'

