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News article

16th July 2015

Ten ambitious St Brendan’s students set off for Exmoor at the beginning of the Summer Holidays, as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. 

The students ready to leave

The students ready to leave

The determined ten left the College on a drizzly Monday morning with tents and raincoats in tow. The group comprised of a mixture of students who were setting off to achieve either their Gold or Silver Awards.  The expedition is just a small part of the D of E programme which the students are a part of. As well as this, they must undertake volunteering roles and skills development programmes which can last up to 18months!

Once complete, the lucky Gold achievers will attend a dinner where they will be presented with their certificate and get to celebrate their success in the presence of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) or Prince Edward! As the enthusiastic students set off with smiles on their faces despite the challenging, gloomy weather, we wish them the best of luck and look forward to hearing about their adventure! 

