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News article

9th January 2015

The New Year has got off to a great start for some of our GCSE Mathematics students. Nearly a quarter of them have already achieved the magical C grade a full six months before the scheduled end of the course.

Molly - successful GCSE Maths student

Molly - successful GCSE Maths student

In the past only students who could provide evidence that they were very close to the C grade boundary have had the option of entering for the exam in November.
In a new initiative this academic year St Brendan’s financed and made available this option to the entire Mathematics GCSE cohort.
Whilst a grade C or above in mathematics has always been important, there is an ever increasing emphasis on gaining the qualification before being able to move on either in academia or in the world of work.
The initiative was a reflection of St Brendan’s commitment to its students current and future needs by maximising the opportunities available for success.
The successful students should be congratulated as after only two months of the new term they were able to achieve what had eluded them during their time at school.
Their success has additional benefits, not only having they achieved the all-important C grade in mathematics; they will have more time and fewer exams to study for in the summer.

