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News article

23rd May 2023

Last week 5 of our students (Jake, Archad, Paul, Samantha and Jessana) travelled to UWE to attend an exciting careers event with a sustainable focus. They got the opportunity to meet with local businesses that champion all things eco.

The event was organised by Fiona Carnie (Bristol Education Partnership) and Kate Colechin (UWE) to inspire students from St Brendan's and other schools and colleges in the area who are currently considering their options for their futures and their careers.

By shining a light on local sustainable companies, our students were able to discover and engage with potential future employers.

During the event they got the opportunity to listen to talks from companies such as Burges Salmon – an inclusive independent law firm, Avon Wildlife Trust – the leading conservation charity in the west of England, and Rathbone Greenbank Investments – an investment firm with a sustainable focus. 

As well as walking away from the day inspired and full of knowledge, our students were gifted a tree to plant at the College. This will be planted in our meadowland by the College’s Eco Club.

