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News article

9th December 2021

Last Night saw the return of the Christmas musical to the St Brendan’s Theatre.

A festive-feeling audience was treated to a powerful and uplifting show, with some catchy disco tunes, and sparkling performances from the BTEC Musical Theatre students.

Gospel music, outrageous dancing, and a story that left everyone with a smile on their face was certainly a good way to see in the Christmas Season.

And the St Brendan’s students did a fantastic job for the performance, moving expertly from uplifting group numbers, to some of the more emotional solo performances. The students didn’t miss a beat, their rhythm and enthusiasm proved infectious, and had audience members bopping along from their seats.

Due to Covid restrictions, a musical performance was not able to take place last Christmas, but this year saw the students back with a bang, and catchy song!

Ellie Hall, teacher of Performing Arts, said, “It’s been so great to work with all of these young, talented people, and help them tell this story which is such a big hit with audiences.”

“The students have worked hard to put this performance together. They’ve had a lot of laughs too, it’s a light and uplifting story and the performers have had a lot of fun telling it.”

Sister Act proved to be the feel-good Christmas treat that was well-needed, and very well received.

