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News article

6th July 2022

Every year we say goodbye to our Year 13s and they embark on the next chapter of their lives. They go on to do a huge range of apprenticeships, university courses, gap years and jobs, and we love catching up with them and hearing about their journeys after St Brendan’s. We were therefore delighted to chat with Ryan when he visited us recently to support with our Year 12 Future Progression Day by talking to our aspiring Oxbridge students about the application and interview process.

Ryan did exceptionally well during his time at St Brendan's and embraced many of the opportunities St Brendan's had to offer. Ryan who was part of the college’s ASPIRE Programme, studied A-levels in Computer Science, Mathematics & Further Mathematics and Physics and achieved two A* grades and two A grades. He consequentially secured a place at Oxford University to study Computer Science.

This summer, Ryan will begin an 8-week internship at ARM, a British semiconductor and software design company based in Cambridge, before returning to Oxford in October to complete his final year at university.

Through our ASPIRE Programme, Ryan has been mentoring Jamie, one of our current Y13s, through his Oxford application and interview journey. Jamie has now been offered a place at Oxford to study Computer Science this September.

Our ASPIRE Programme is for our most academically gifted students, so they continue to excel throughout their post-16 studies. We are so pleased that our ASPIRE co-ordinators Hetty and Paul were able to connect Ryan and Jamie so that Jamie could receive first-hand advice and support to strengthen his application to Oxford University.  

Students accepted onto the ASPIRE Programme will have specialist support for competitive applications including:

  • Guidance on personal statements from the College and from universities including Oxbridge and Russell Group institutions
  • Help with UCAS applications
  • Mock interview practice with staff in College and guest interviewers from industry and universities
  • Support with admissions tests from subject specialists

Not only are Ryan and Jamie a prime example of how valuable our ASPIRE Programme is, but it also highlights how important it is for former students to join our alumni group so that we can keep in touch and also reach out for our current students.

If you know a former student or if you are a former student of St Brendan’s then please join our alumni group on LinkedIn.

To join our alumni all you have to do is list St Brendan’s Sixth Form College as your place of education in your profile settings. This will help you grow your network on LinkedIn and it also helps us grow our network to help support our current and future students. It’s also a great way to keep up to date on what companies we are working with and what activities are currently taking place at your former college.

