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News article

16th June 2022

We were delighted to welcome back two former students, Luke and Dave who delivered an exceptionally funny and informative talk to students about how they have overcome various challenges since leaving St Brendan's.

Both Dave and Luke have visual impairments, Dave lost his vision when he was just two years old and Luke is severely short-sighted and both have adapted such an inspirational way of life. During their time at St Brendan's both received additional support from our Learning Development team, which became a tight-knit community for Dave and Luke. We were pleased to hear how both have excelled independently as both went on to study at university to study their passion.

Dave and Luke expressed to the students how important it is to be confident and stand up for yourself if ever you require support, equipment, and/or mobility assistance at University.

They also touched on:

  • How they discovered grants and benefits to financially support them during their time studying
  • How to apply for a bus pass with your local council
  • How important it is to choose your living space wisely, for example, is the home near a supermarket, is it easily accessible?
  • What to do if you are experiencing discrimination
  • How to be an equal in group projects
  • Finally how important it is to be organised!

Dave and Luke's Learning Development teacher Kathy was so proud to see how they both have persevered and how they have achieved their dreams and aspirations. We are proud to hear of the life experiences they both have excelled at, which began on our campus.

Dave is currently completing a fundraising walk for Anthony Nolan, a charity who supports those with blood cancer or a blood disorder, a charity that is close to Dave’s heart. Dave will be walking 180 miles starting at his home in Brighton to Bristol unaided, with just his cane and GPS.

We wish Dave all the best for his walk.

If you would like to donate, please visit his Just Giving page:

Dave's Walk Back West

Luke and Dave with students

Luke and Dave with students

