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News article

8th February 2019

Geography students were honoured this week to be visited by Colin Skellett – CEO of Wessex Water and ‘hero’ of the industry.

Colin Skellett

Colin Skellett

Colin visited St Brendan’s to speak about plastic pollution and the upcoming Plastics Challenge, due to launch across the nation officially on the 8th June.

The Wessex Water Chief Executive is known as the godfather of the water sector and students were both inspired and engaged by Colin’s stories and mission. Colin is the only water chief executive to have led a company since before the industry was privatised in 1989 and he has witnessed every change to the sector since; this year he calls for change himself.

Colin is a part of a group of 30 influencers and leaders who are visiting schools and Colleges across the country to inspire young people to combat plastics waste, by taking part in the Great British Plastics Challenge. Launching on World Oceans Day, the campaign is in partnership with Business in the Community and the Environment Agency. During his visit, the inspirational speaker discussed the issue of plastic waste, what Wessex Water is doing about plastic pollution and his personal commitment to help tackle the plastic issue.

With over 8.5 billion plastic straws binned in the UK every year and 8 million tonnes of plastic bags flowing into the sea every 12 months, St Brendan’s is proud to be supporting the Great British Plastics Challenge!

