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News article

14th June 2019

As exam season begins and students delve deep into the world of revision, the College community took a moment to recognise one students’ achievements outside of the classroom recently.

The Good Samaritan Award is presented each year on St Brendan’s Day, to a student who deserves to be recognised for their selflessness and acts of kindness; often in the face of hardship and adversity.

Weni with Principal Michael Jaffraini

Weni with Principal Michael Jaffraini

This year, Principal Michael Jaffrain was honoured to present the award to second year student Weni Agidee. An incredibly selfless and hardworking student, in both her home life and through volunteering, Weni has shown the qualities of a true Good Samaritan. Praised by all of her teachers and Academic Mentor for her hard work and resilience, the 18 year old has carried out fantastic work volunteering in the community. As part of her Health and Social Care course, Weni discovered her love for the care setting through her work experience at Haven Day Centre. The valuable organisation works with people with learning disabilities, as well as with their families and carers. They provide support and information on a range of issues such as healthcare, education, housing and benefits. After her week-long placement was complete, Weni simply couldn’t say goodbye and wanted to offer more help and support. As well as completing her A-levels, revising and working hard at home, the selfless student continued to work as a volunteer for an additional month to support the fantastic work at Haven. From there, Weni continued to share her selflessness and caring skills further; taking it upon herself to find another placement and volunteering for 6 months at The Hive; a drop in centre for adults with learning disabilities.

Principal Michael Jaffrain was honoured to award Weni with her certificate of achievement and gift. He commented, “As Principal of such a large College, I continue to be inspired by the acts of kindness and selflessness from our students. Weni is an example of the kind and caring students we have here at St Brendan’s and I feel lucky to have her as part of our College community. Weni has shown true resilience and fully deserves this award; I look forward to following her journey as she heads into the care sector; a career which is quite clearly fully suited to her.”

Next year Weni hopes to join Staffordshire University to study Councilling and Psychology. We wish her the best of luck

