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News article

15th November 2019

Students throughout College experienced some very informative RPE sessions last week, as visitors from a diverse range of charities and groups came to talk to different classes about vulnerable communities across the world, and spread the word about the positive and inspirational work of many Bristol-based organisations. 

Integrate Ambassador

Integrate Ambassador

The week began with a visit from We are Donors representatives. The non-for-profit organisation spoke to students about the importance of being an organ donor and ran an informative workshop. We are Donors is a network of university groups across the UK and is dedicated to raising awareness about organ donation and the issues in transplantation. Later in the afternoon, Sr Hilda, a nun from Brownshill Monastery spoke to classes about her vocation and was joined by Caroline Price, an expert in meditation.

It was over to Many Briggs from the New Room on Tuesday morning, to discuss John Wesley and Methodism. Based in Bristol, The New Room is the oldest Methodist building in the world and home to John Wesley; an English Cleric, theologian and a leader of Methodism. Meanwhile, afternoon classes heard from Laura Nicholls, an ex St Brendan’s Health and Social Care teacher who now works for Brain Tumour Support.

Friend of St Brendan’s and regular visitor Dr Yusef Abdul-Jobbar took the Wednesday slot and delivered a thought provoking and insightful class exploring Islam. Dr Yusuf is a popular public speaker, author and leadership coach and always delivers informative workshops at St Brendan’s.

Thursday included talks from Debbire Forge, who spoke about the incredible work of the Withywood Food Bank. Following this, students in afternoon classes learnt about the Ba’hai faith; a religion which teaches the essential worth of all religions and spreads messages of unity and equality of all people.

At the end of the week, students welcomed representatives from Integrate UK to College for the day. The youth-led charity empowers young people to take an active role in transforming the society they live in. They deliver peer education resources in schools around challenging issues such as FGM, gang and drug culture and grooming. The group ran insightful discussions on gender equality.

The week was a great opportunity for students to discover more about the influential and important work that goes on within Bristol and across the world. To find out more about any of the visitors or organisations, contact Chaplain Ann Morgan.  

