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News article

29th February 2016

As part of their Level 2 Health and Social Care Diploma, over 30 St Brendan's students have spent 2 weeks on a compulsory work placement in care settings around Bath and Bristol; representing the college and making an excellent impression on staff and service users. 

Students with their awards

Students with their awards

Students worked in settings such as nurseries, primary schools, family centres and care homes, putting into practice the skills that they had learnt in lessons. Such was the positive impact that our students made, that at least 2 students now have job offers, and more have further voluntary experience lined up for the future!

On their return to college, students were presented with personalised certificates, complete with their positive feedback comments, of which there were many. Students are now using their experiences as a basis for further study on the course, and as a stepping stone for future career plans.

