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News article

30th November 2016

Last week, both first and second year biomed students were busy thinking about and preparing for their future careers. 

The interviews

The interviews

At the beginning of the week, second year Medicine candidates took part in an internal event to help them prepare for their upcoming multiple-mini interviews. Multiple mini interviews are used by certain universities as part of their admissions process. The students had ten minutes at four different interview stations, where they were required to work under pressure to answer questions on ethical principles, demonstrate good communication, take part in a role play and discuss current issues in healthcare and policy.

Later in the week, first year students interested in applying to study nursing or midwifery had an opportunity to attend a support session, run by Angela Vowles; the Lead Admissions Tutor for the Nursing and Midwifery Department at the University of the West of England. Students were given valuable insight into the application process and were updated on all the opportunities available for nursing graduates. 

