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News article

1st April 2019

As well as celebrating our students’ achievements inside of the classroom, we love to hear all about their work outside of College too! This week we caught up with first year student Aimee Skinner.

Aimee Skinner

Aimee Skinner

Alongside her packed timetable of A-level Business, English Language and Literature and Accounting, the energetic teen is also a keen Irish Dancer and next month looks to take the world title! Aimee is a proud member of the Stuart Irish Dance group in Fishponds and over the Easter break will be travelling to Holland with her fellow dancers to compete in the Irish Dancing World Championships. The upcoming major competition is not a daunting prospect to the seventeen year old, who saw in the end of 2018 as the 3rd best Irish Dancer in her category in the UK!

As she looks ahead to progressing into her second year at College, the future looks bright for Aimee. Teaching Irish Dance could be on the horizon for the determined teen, but her sights are set firmly on studying Business or Marketing at University after St Brendan’s. After maintaining high attendance throughout her first year, whilst competing in major championships, we can’t wait to see what she achieves next!

