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News article

7th December 2018

Students from across the West Country gathered at The University of Bristol recently to debate ‘The Greatest Failure of the Age of Revolutions’.

Jo opens the debate

Jo opens the debate

The event brought together A-level students from 10 different schools across Bristol and BANES and challenged students to present their argument to their peers for discussion. It was Second Year student Jo Leyland who represented St Brendan’s and had the nerve-wracking task of speaking first!

Jo, who is currently studying the Russia and China strand of A-level History at College, put forward the argument that the Industrial Revolution was the greatest failure. Jo argued that the period resulted in social inequality in Britain at the time, and has had a lasting negative impact on our world through climate change. The Secretary of the Historical Association commended Jo for the logic of her argument, whilst the judges complemented her on the breadth of her argument. Congratulations Jo on an impressive presentation!  

