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2nd March 2015

Prospective parliamentary candidates for Bristol East and representatives from all of the main political parties visited St Brendan’s on Friday and took part in a lively General Election hustings and mock election.  

Kerry McCarthy Addresses Students

Kerry McCarthy Addresses Students

They gave speeches and answered questions in the college’s Theatre at an event attended by over two hundred students. The proceedings culminated in a secret ballot - the results of which were announced to a packed Café Max during Monday morning break time.

Coming in last with just four votes was UKIP’s James McMurray who had faced a lot of challenging questions. With just three votes separating them Theodora Clarke (Conservatives), Lorraine Francis (Green Party) and Steve Cromer (Liberal Democrats) all held the middle spots. It was however Labour’s representative, Kerry McCarthy MP, who achieved a massive ninety four votes and emerged victorious. The event was enjoyed by all and 95% of students who will be eligible to vote in the official General Election on May 7th said that they would be doing so.

