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News article

3rd November 2015

Wednesday was an exciting day for the Language Department as A2 students studying French, German and Spanish went to St Bernadette's Primary school to teach children the languages they have been learning at A-level – this was the first of a set of lessons which will continue throughout the year. 

Language students at St Bernadette's

Language students at St Bernadette's

The French students taught Reception, years 1 and 2, Spanish 3 and 4 and German 5 and 6. Despite initial nerves from the St Brendan’s students, they delivered fantastic sessions that left the children excited for the next instalment. What started off with simple 'My name is’ continued on to 'How are you?', 'Thank you' and numbers, as the Primary School children took in words faster than anticipated. After only a 40 minute lesson it was clear that the scheme is going to be a huge success. Well done to all those who took part!

