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News article

5th February 2019

A-level Biology students recently had an interesting lesson in dissection, whilst helping to reduce waste from one of Bristol’s top restaurants!

Students dissect the fish

Students dissect the fish

The lab-coat wearing scientists were tasked with dissecting fish gills in one of their most recent lessons and learnt more about breathing and respiration in humans, fish and insects.

The fish were kindly donated to College by Michelin Star chef Josh Eggleton; owner of the well-recognised Pony and Trap and award-winning fish and chip shop Salt and Malt. Instead of being chucked away, the students were able to use the fish waste to enhance their learning and skills. As well as learning more about the respiratory system, students also developed their knowledge of working safely in a lab, how to handle equipment and their manual dexterity skills.

Big thanks to Salt and Malt for their kind donation!

