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News article

25th October 2019

We recently caught up with second year student Maddie Stubbs, who told us all about her incredible summer trip to Germany!

Maddie Stubbs

Maddie Stubbs

Maddie, who studies a timetable of A-level German, Biology, Chemistry and the Goethe-Zertifikat, travelled to Eastern Germany along with peer Monica Nguyen this summer and stayed for three weeks. Whilst there, she took part in lessons at a school, went to a local university for the day and enjoyed the culture surrounding her. The trip was through Jugendkurs, a Goethe-Institute initiative; the pair were lucky enough to secure a scholarship and was sponsored for their trip!

The determined teen looks to study Medicine at University next year, and went on to tell us how  language learning has played a huge role in her UCAS application.

"I think languages are hugely important and are a fantastic subject to study if you are considering a career in medicine. I found I could talk about so many skills in my personal statement, many of which I developed through my studies of German. Languages are sciences together provide such rounded skills, I’d really recommend the combination!"

