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News article

12th May 2020

We’ve been hearing about some fantastic charity and fundraising projects that our students and staff have been involved in since the country went into lockdown.


Lauren Geraghty, who studies A-level Drama & Theatre and Performing Arts at St Brendan’s, has completed an amazing bike challenge along with her sister and two brothers. They called the challenge Riding His Route to show their Key Worker dad, who is a Pharmaceutical Delivery Driver how proud they are of him. Each day for five days they rode 44.4 miles and completed 222 miles, the same amount as their dad drives each day delivering medications and supplies to hospitals, etc.

As a family, through Lauren’s sister Charlotte’s on going fundraising, they have been supporting a special part of the NHS through the Cots for Tots Appeal for several years, and they have managed to add more to that fund raising total through this challenge. To their surprise, their challenge was also picked up by the BBC News page. To donate or find out more visit:

Meanwhile, Science Technician Helen Luness, along with her choir Vox in Frox, has recorded an incredibly moving version of Bridge Over Troubled Water. They have done this to raise funds for Mothers for Mothers – an amazing charity which supports families affected by maternal mental illness across Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. To watch the video and find out more visit:



A-level Accounting and Business student Saskia Manning-Bewley has a part time job as a Body Shop Rep and through this she has managed to raise over 100 hand creams for Southmead Hospital.

Southmead is one of the region's largest National Health Service Hospitals and Saskia's donation will make a difference protecting the hands of many key workers.

IT teacher Jon Aird has also been using his skills and contacts for the good of others. He has  produced a video called Lovely Day On Longmead which is based on a famous song and is performed by residents of his street (Longmead Avenue).

Jon and his neighbours are raising funds and awareness for Caring in Bristol, an organisation which finds gaps in Bristol's provision for those experiencing homelessness and works with the community to create innovative projects to fill them. To listen to the song and find out more visit:


If you are a current student, future student, alumnus or member of staff at St Brendan’s and you have a feel good story which you would like to share, please email:


