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News article

7th December 2023

As well as making sure our own students fulfil their potential, we also love supporting pupils in surrounding schools through activities like mentoring, language and literacy workshops and performance showcases to name a few.

A group of our Year 12 students recently received a full day of training in mentoring from PwC, one of the world’s leading professional services networks, who believe in building trust and solving important problems for our society. The day consisted of a series of workshops focussing on the elements that combine to create the perfect mentor. Our students were taught how to create healthy relationships with their mentees, how to be a good leader and how to communicate effectively.

We are so proud of how well the students immersed themselves in every activity, taking a mature and proactive approach to each task they were set. Their efforts were praised by the team at PwC, and this has resulted in a few of our students receiving invites to hear more about careers and a potential future at the company.

Using the energy and expertise from this training, they will begin mentoring younger learners to aim high and achieve their potential through a programme in local schools which takes place over the next 10 weeks. Service and compassion are two of our core values at the College, and our students will be demonstrating both by helping the pupils they mentor.

The skills that our Year 12s have gained from their time with PwC will benefit their studies, applications for universities and apprenticeships as well as impacting the local community.

