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1st February 2023

Our Business Studies students welcomed small business owner Greg Davis onsite last week to share his tips and tricks on how he turned his passion for nutrition into a thriving business!

Greg is a fully qualified and registered professional nutritionist and fitness instructor specialising in sport nutrition based in West Oxfordshire. Greg spoke to the students about the steps and experience that were essential to making his business successful.

Greg is a proud member of the prestigious Sport & Exercise Nutrition Register (SENr), Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (PINES) and The British Dietetic Association (BDA) groups. His company is GD Performance Nutrition and its primary aim is to enhance athletes via nutrition to take them to the next level.

Greg shared how he found himself in a saturated market of personal trainers which is why he decided to step away from fitness and to solely concentrate on nutrition.

Greg talked about the market research he carried out and how he funded his business and he went on to explain why both elements are vital to running a successful business. Greg spent time researching the market and his competitors to ensure his service is unique to the field.

To gain experience and a client base Greg began by charging £10 per session, he accepted he was new to the field and wanted to give his clients an introductory price. He shared with the students his belief that being kind, honest and authentic will lead customers to return to purchase an item or service from you again.

Greg is a huge self-promoter, he lives and breathes nutrition and he believes his true passion for the field makes it so easy for him to sell his service. Using social media as an advertising base, Greg explained to the students how fundamental it is to really understand your audience.

Greg explained how he set his goals to measure his success, he voiced how important it is not to get complacent and to keep learning to better yourself.

Students then began to ask Greg questions about his business in order for them to understand what it takes to set up your own business.

How did you fund your business?

Unlike many businesses I didn’t get a loan from the bank, I had savings and Kick-starter (a programme that helsp bring creative projects to life) to fund my business. I relied heavily on social media, word of mouth and my website to advertise my business which are all low cost avenues.

Why is education important?

It gives you credibility and allows the customer to trust you more with the service/product you are providing.

Where do you see your business in 5 years’ time?

The goal is to be working with a high-profile football club, boxer or rugby club.

If you could go back in time would you change anything?

No, I have learnt from the mistakes I have made, everything has been a learning curve which helps me to improve myself and the service I provide.


We are very grateful to Greg for making his way from Oxfordshire to spend the morning talking to our Business Studies students. We cannot wait to see how his business grows over the next few years.

