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News article

29th June 2016

“The power our vocabulary holds is an unimaginable quantity. It makes marks on the world in ways nothing else ever could. We don’t speak to fill silence, we speak to be heard.  We speak for change, justice and honour. We speak because we are human”

Dukes Education Essay Prize

Dukes Education Essay Prize

These are the words of St Brendan’s AGP student Olivia Fletcher in her recent entry into the Duke’s Education essay competition. Olivia impressed the AGP team so much with her powerful writing that they wanted her to share her impressive entry with Vice Principal Madeline Woolfenden last week. “Olivia’s passion for her subject was very clear,” Maddy commented. “And her focus and discipline about writing was most impressive. Her piece evoked many emotions: she made me laugh and also angry, almost like a political satire.”

A number of St Brendan’s first year students entered the Duke’s Education Essay Prize this year, which is a nationwide competition with the ambition to develop academic creativity and passion among students. Entrants were challenged to produce a 1,500 word essay on a single word, chosen from a selection of seven.

Well done to all of our talented students who entered their essays into the Duke’s Education Competition. Special congratulations to Olivia for her hugely inspirational piece of writing. Olivia is hoping to study linguistics at University and is currently pursuing an application to Cambridge University. 

