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18th March 2019

Female staff and students pulled together this week to help fight Period Poverty – and the outcome was heart-warming!

Rhianna Prewett

Rhianna Prewett

After watching the Netflix short film ‘Period. End of Sentence’, first year student Rhianna Prewett was inspired to help women across the city who are not fortunate enough to have access to basic sanitary pads and tampons each month. Rhianna decided to help make a difference and placed 5 donation boxes in toilets across the College and asked women to donate pads and tampons to help.

Rhianna commented, “It’s just a little thing that someone can do to help somebody else. Instead of asking for money, just donating a spare towel or tampon can go a long way. It’s all about girls standing up for, and helping, other girls.” Rhianna was keen to share how great the St Brendan’s community has been in getting behind the cause and supporting the mission to end period poverty.

As part of her great work, Rhianna was approached by Student Engagement Officer Aseye, who recommended she joined the City Council panel who will be discussing Period Poverty. Lead by Councillor Helen Godwin, the first meeting is to take place later this month.  

The College’s efforts are a part of a wider government initiative which aims to beat period poverty. The City of Bristol has pledged to ensure that by September this year period products will be available to all children in Bristol schools from year 5 to year 13. A great step in the right direction.

As for Rhianna’s incredible collection; they will be distributed to women who need them across the city via the Trussel Trust. Altogether, there were an impressive 275 products collected, and will help make things a little easier for women who can’t afford to buy them.

To watch the Oscar-winning short documentary which inspired Rhianna, head onto Netflix and watch it now! Period. End of Sentence. is directed by Iranian-American director Rayka Zehtabchi and explored the stigma around menstruation in a small Indian village just outside of Delhi.

