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6th May 2016

It was a very busy break time in café max last Friday, as English Teacher Nina Streeting announced the winner of the Writing Prize Competition. 

Winner Ru Burroughs

Winner Ru Burroughs

The competition is an annual event, in which students are asked to write a 500 word piece of prose or a poem on a particular theme; this year it was freedom. A group of teaching and support staff judged the competition, which saw many impressive pieces entered.

Congratulations to runner up Georgia Stride, for her short story called One for Sorrow, which explored the emotional conflict between losing someone you love and the understanding of how death can bring freedom from pain. Sophie Verstraeten also secured the runner up position for her poem reflecting upon the abstract nature of freedom and what it means to be free. 

A big well done to winner Ru Burroughs! Ru submitted an intelligent and thoughtful poem exploring the relationship between freedom and society.The poem challenges the reader to question their prejudices which could limit the rights of others to live the freedom they deserve. All three pieces will be on display around college and used as texts next academic year!  

