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News article

17th January 2022

Last week local MP Kerry McCarthy (Bristol East) visited St Brendan’s.

She met with College Principal Marian Curran to discuss the #ProtectingStudentChoice campaign and to hear first-hand how the government’s plans to remove funding for applied general qualifications (AGQs) such as BTECs would negatively impact young people, by leaving many without a viable pathway at the age of 16 and hampering their progress to higher education or skilled employment.

Kerry then spent time with St Brendan's Politics students who were able to ask questions and get a really in-depth insight into the current workings of the Labour Party, up to date information on current legislation going through Parliament, as well as her thoughts on Boris Johnson and his 'parties'.

Politics teacher Bea Honap Baker said

‘We felt incredibly lucky to be able to have this 1-1 time with a real MP, as due to Covid restrictions we have been unable to run trips such as visiting the Houses of Parliament. Our students asked thought-provoking questions that I know Kerry has taken on board, and some issues she will definitely be pursuing as part of her work as a constituency MP. This was an amazing opportunity to bring Politics to life!’


You can help us #ProtectStudentChoice by signing the #ProtectStudentChoice petition

