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News article

14th July 2022

Eight St Brendan's students recently took part in a Career Insight week at Wessex Water and gained a first-hand understanding of the construction, engineering, and science behind the corporation as they completed a week of work experience developed by Bristol Future Talent Partnerships.

The week included site visits to Bristol Recycling Centre, Renewable Energy Park, YTL Area and the Brabazon Development. Elements of the programme also took place at Wessex Water's headquarters in Bath, where students explored every department within the company to learn more about the site, and the day-to-day running of the organisation.

Staff members facilitated workshops to help develop skills in CV writing, interview techniques, presenting and public speaking as well as working within a team. The week ended with a group project, which students presented to senior members of the Wessex Water team, with each student receiving feedback from Mohammed Saddiq, Executive Director of Operations and Alexandra Moruzzi, St Brendan’s Vice Principal for Student Experience to help them refine and develop their skills.

Wessex Water staff also presented the huge number of career and apprenticeship opportunities at the company, to help students to think about their next steps after St Brendan's. We spoke to Matthew who was one of the eight students who took part in the work experience week at Wessex Water; here is what he took away from the experience:

Wessex Waters - Student experience

