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News article

3rd May 2019

It’s the time of year when colourful posters, catchy slogans and photos of passionate students begin to pop up all over College.

A student makes her vote

A student makes her vote

The SU candidates for 2019 have put their names forward and now the campaigning begins. This year, a total of 11 students are in the running for the 6 different posts, all of whom are making strong promises and pledging their dedication to their position.

In the running for President this year is Nnamdi Onyegu, Alessia Stefan, Ayub Akram, Mia Jakeways and Linus Mackilligin, whilst Edna Adomako stands unopposed for Vice President. Students within these posts have a great deal of accountability and will have the overall responsibility for the organisation of the Union; they are the spokespeople, the co-ordinators and the chairs.

Meanwhile, the battle for Student Governor is between Denisa Roset, Diaz Henry-Salmon and Fiza Tanveer. Student Governor is responsible for being a part of the College’s Governing body and will represent students’ views and feedback Governor’s decisions made to their peers.

The remaining four posts have been left unopposed, with Khiaaama Kofi applying for Student Life Officer; her job will be to signpost students to the services available to them and collect the views of the College population. Olie Burton will be the new Student Secretary and will be responsible for producing agendas for up-coming meetings and producing minutes. Olie will also be in charge of the SU budget! Grace Leggett is running for Communications Officer and will be in charge of promoting the SU and its activities, whilst Ellie West stands for EDI Officer and will be responsible for ensuring the College is doing all they can to meet the needs of the entire student body. This role is also involved with the College’s Interfaith group and will be responsible for organising events to celebrate holidays for each religion.

With the campaigning now well underway and Husting now complete, there isn’t more left that the students can do to secure their posts. Students are able to make their votes this week for who they would like to be on their new 2019/20 SU!

