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News article

8th March 2019

Three ambitious St Brendan’s students have been busy making a difference to the future of the city recently, through the Bristol Water’s Youth Board programme.

Daisy Wood, Raphael Bojang and Cyprian Kucaj are the three St Brendan’s first year students who are a part of the group of 20 young individuals on the board this year; and have been provided with a fantastic opportunity to get involved in the running of one of the largest businesses in the region.

Through the programme, students work with Bristol Water and have an opportunity to have their voices heard at executive level. As well as making a difference to the environment and the future of Bristol Water, the board provides an exciting opportunity for students to enhance their own personal experiences within the world of business. The talented trio have been able to exercise their decision making, group work, problem solving and presenting skills and will receive a formal reference upon their completion of the programme. Working alongside Senior Management, Daisy, Rachael and Cyprian have enjoyed being able to see inside the workings of one of Bristol’s top businesses and get their voices heard.

