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News article

10th November 2015

Product Design students met an inspirational visitor last week as Alumni member Rory Southworth returned to College to give some valuable advice.

Rory talking to Design students

Rory talking to Design students

After leaving St Brendan’s in 2010, Rory embarked upon a career within Design and studied Product Design with Professional Practice at Brunel University. Rory secured an impressive First Class Honours, and told his audience how he found life and learning at University level.

Rory explained how he used his time at University to gain essential experience, such as designing an art installation for a degree show and becoming a Design Ambassador (similar to our St Brendan’s Ambassadors) which ultimately helped him get to where he is today. The inspirational guest, who now works as a Research Assistant, spoke honestly and passionately about his experiences within education and the working world.

The Product Design audience was hugely interested in what their guest had to say and asked many questions about his journey after St Brendan’s. 

