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News article

22nd September 2016

An exciting academic year lies ahead for three St Brendan’s superstars, as they look to build their very own theatre company at College.

Leah and Gemma

Leah and Gemma

Scripts Down is a name the St Brendan’s community will get to know very well over the next few months, as determined students Leah Brady, Gemma Bidgood and Lulu Higgins work towards developing their very own, show-producing company. Their aim is to bring together students from across the college; from stars of the stage and creative writers, to film enthusiasts and creative artists, there is a role for everyone. So far so good for Scripts Down, as over 30 first and second year students have signed up to be a part of the exciting group which met for the first time last Thursday. The three passionate founders are excited for the future, with the hope of having an original show ready by Christmas!

If you are interested in theatre; from design or acting to writing or lighting, Scripts Down would like to welcome you to join them. Email for more information. The group meets every Thursday afternoon 2:30 – 4:00 in the Theatre or A1. 

