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9th March 2022

‘Oh brave new world that has such people in’t!’

In this month of World Book Day, International Women’s Day and National Careers Week, it is great to be able to share a story that spans all 3!

St Brendan’s student Phoebe who is studying A-levels in English Language, English Literature and Law; has re-written part of Shakespeare’s play The Tempest which he wrote in 1610.

Phoebe has been studying The Tempest as part of her English Literature A-level and is also a member of the college’s Creative Writing enrichment group. It was as part of the Creative Writing group that she re-wrote a section of the play from the perspective of Sycorax, who is an unseen character in Shakespeare’s version, only existing through some accounts of male characters.

Phoebe told us that she chose to re-write the story from Sycorax’s point of view because ‘she is an overlooked female character.’ She went on to explain ‘I also made her more powerful in my chapter, because we don’t often hear about powerful women from that time period’

Phoebe will take her A-levels this summer and is then planning to go on to Edinburgh University to study English Literature and Creative Writing.

You can read Phoebe's chapter here

